Walmart Grocery Pick Up – A Review. Seriously!
Most people have an opinion about Walmart. There’s the Walmart-is-the-root-of-all-evil camp. And then there’s the I-would-die-without-my-Walmart folks. I guess I’m somewhere in the middle. I definitely think Walmart has its place – great for a large stocking up the pantry trip, or for when my kids are out of Hanes underwear. Great prices. Great selection. And in all honesty, it’s the only place I can regularly find lard for my homemade pie crust! (Don’t freak out about the lard thing. It really turns a good pie crust into a great pie crust!)
But I’ve never used the words groceries and Walmart in the same sentence. Until now. I’m really quite picky about my fresh veggies, meats, and cheeses. I think nothing of swinging by the “real” grocery store/farmer’s market every day to ensure I’ve got the freshest ingredients for each meal. So when my ever-efficient, always on the leading edge of trends daughter told me that Walmart now has this great service that allows you to order groceries online, choose a pick up time, back your car into the specially designated spot, and some friendly Walmart staff person will bring out everything you ordered, along with a complete checklist and a smile, I didn’t think much about it.

Then I found myself it a bit of a time crunch. My sister’s family and mine were heading up to a cabin for a long weekend. There would be a dozen or so people this time, and I was, as always, responsible for planning all the meals. It had been a very long week at work and I was behind the 8-ball on my food planning. I threw my four day menu together and had a ginormous list of stuff to buy. And no time to buy it. So I bit the bullet, apologized to my family for what I was sure would be sub-par ingredients, and placed my Walmart order.
Well, I must confess, the ordering interface is beautiful, simple, and so easy to use! I found myself sitting at my computer with a smile on my face thinking can it really be this easy? After searching and clicking (and being pretty darn impressed with the selection), I hit the “order” button, and held my breath. The next morning, on my way to the cabin, I pulled into one of the reserved pickup spots, called the number that was conveniently and prominently displayed on the wall, and a very nice, friendly person immediately answered the phone and said she’d be right out with my you’ve gotta be kidding me rather large order. In a matter of minutes, my car was fully loaded with everything from salad to Seagram’s, carrots to Corona, and wieners to wine. And did I mention that the beer was actually COLD? Not kidding!

But the real test would come two hours later as I unpacked the car and loaded the fridge at the cabin. This is where the story gets interesting. The food was actually REALLY GOOD! The tomatoes were the best I’ve seen in quite some time. The jalapenos were plump and plentiful. And the pork butt was the nicest I’ve laid my eyes on in awhile. The only bummer about the Walmart grocery pickup that I can see is that it’s only currently available in a few cities. I have no doubt, however, that it will catch on like wildfire and will be coming to a city near you. After all, this service has put me squarely in the I-would-die-without-my-Walmart camp. And I promise you, no one is more shocked than I am that I actually just typed those words!
[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Walmart Grocery Pick Up – A Review. Seriously! – Walmart Grocery Pick Up. It will surprise you! You'll love it! – , ; – – Cooking for a Crowd – No cooking – dinner for a crowd – Grocery Pick Up – no cooking – Walmart – Walmart Grocery[/wpurp-searchable-recipe]
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