Baked Chicken Thighs and Drumsticks
Baked Chicken Thighs and Drumsticks to the rescue for picky eaters! It’s so interesting to watch kids as they grow up. They go from these tiny little blobs that sleep 20 hours a day to stumbling, fumbling toddlers, to little kids that actually have opinions of their own, to teenagers (not the easiest phase!) to young adults finding their way in the world.
And right along with their physical changes comes changes in their relationship with food. And the need for Baked Chicken Thighs and Drumsticks!

First, the oh-so-comforting Mother’s milk, then smushed up anything and everything, then comes the picky toddler times. This is the fork in the road.
That little bundle of joy just went from loving her smashed summer squash, strained peas, and cooked carrots (LOVE getting those out of a baby’s hair), to it’s McDonald’s nuggets or nothing! How’d that that happen?!
Now is the time a parent must decide…
Am I going to spend the next dozen or so years making sure to keep my little princess happy and only present to her the processed, pressed “chicken” pieces she’s insisting upon?
Or do I bite the bullet, take on the battle, and serve real food – the kind we adults eat… the kind that’s fresh, and whole, and healthy, and has vegetables with it? Take on the battle! It’s worth it.
A funny thing happens when parents don’t give into the chicken nugget tantrum… the kid actually learns to like the real food! No kidding! No more running out for fast food. No more making a second dinner just because your kid doesn’t like what the adults are eating!
And this Baked Chicken is a perfect transition from processed convenience food to grown up food. Classic baked chicken should be in every home cook’s bag of tricks. (And it goes great with my Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries!)
It’s cheap, it’s easy, and it’s loved by virtually everyone. The prep time is seriously about 2 minutes, then pop it in the oven. Your house will smell like you’ve been cooking all day, making mouths (young and old) water, and out will come a beautiful, crispy, juicy chicken dinner fit for a king (or your little princess).
And for you kings and queens who always have to plan and make the meals, don’t forget to treat yourself to this delicious cranberry whiskey sour cocktail! You’ll be glad you did!
This recipe is based on the classic baked chicken recipe from my very favorite go-to cooking and recipe site, Simply Recipes. Thank you, Elise, for helping to keep my family well-fed for the past decade or so! 🙂

Baked Chicken Thighs and Drumsticks
This baked chicken is perhaps the easiest way to feel like an accomplished home cook that serves healthy food to the family!
- 8 Chicken Pieces, Bone in, skin on. Thighs and drumsticks
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- 2 Large Pinches coarse salt
- 1/2 Teaspoon Pepper
- 4 Sprigs Fresh Rosemary, Optional
- Turn oven on to 425 degrees. Place chicken pieces on a rimmed baking sheet. Slather each piece completely with the olive oil (both sides). Sprinkle liberally with the salt and pepper (both sides). Nestle the sprigs of rosemary among the chicken. This is an optional step, but I do recommend it!
- Put chicken in oven on middle rack for 25 minutes, then reduce the heat to 350 degrees for another 20 minutes. If the skin isn't quite crispy enough, then turn the oven to broil for about 5 minutes, keeping a close eye on it so it won't burn. That's it! Super easy!